b e x t r

Why BeXtr?

Frequently Asked Question

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How does BeXtr work from a business perspective?

After registration, a business has the option to create a campaign, which will then be displayed to influencers. In the campaign details, the business can specify information such as the name, category, type of influencer, and the time the influencer will need to spend on the campaign. The business then decides whether it is a paid or barter collaboration and selects the types of social networks the influencers should be from. The campaign is then prepared and can be published among influencers.

How does BeXtr work from an influencer perspective?

After registration, influencers set up their accounts, providing information for businesses to assess their suitability for collaboration. Influencers fill in information about themselves, what type of influencer they are, which social networks they are active on, information about their target audience, and their portfolio and insights from social networks. After providing this information, the influencer profile is ready, and they can send their offers to businesses for campaigns they are interested in.

As a business, do I have to collaborate with every influencer?

After creating a campaign, a business can expect offers from influencers through a form on the website. The business can then review these offers with details of what the influencer is offering. Additionally, the business can review the influencer's profile to see if they are a suitable candidate and meet the influencer's requirements with whom they wish to collaborate. After evaluation, the business can decide whether to accept or reject the influencer's offer.

What can I expect from an influencer as a business?

When creating a campaign, the business fills in details that inform what they offer and what they expect in return from the influencer. After the influencer sends a proposal to the business, they can communicate and clarify details, whether it is a STORY, POST, series of POSTS, or another type of collaboration.

What if an influencer doesn't honor the agreement?

In our platform, we rely on honesty and reliability from both the influencer and the business. In the event that a situation arises where an influencer does not fulfill their part of the collaboration agreement, please contact us, and we will address the issues to prevent them from recurring in the future.

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